Tips and Tricks for Remote Teaching and Learning

Many of us are teaching (or learning) remotely, constantly on the lookout for better ways to engage with the content. If we can avoid tripping over technology before our class, department, or professional development meeting even begins, we can more successfully accomplish our goal of interacting and learning together.  Here are tips and tricks to consider before starting your Zoom meeting.

Before Meeting Tips

Check settings (these cannot be changed once a meeting is started).

Go into your settings and choose “Meeting.”

Screenshot of meeting settings

Scroll down to In Meeting (Basic). Choose your chat settings.  

Screenshot of chat settings

Continue to scroll down.  Choose your sharing settings.  Depending on your activities, you may want to allow participants to share their screens. 

Screenshot of sharing screens settings

Continue to scroll down to the Annotation and Whiteboard settings.  If you want participants to be able to annotate or contribute to a whiteboard, make sure those settings are turned on.  Also turn on the nonverbal feedback.

Screenshot of whiteboard and annotation settings

If you look at the bottom of the participants window pictured below, you can see the nonverbal feedback options.

Screenshot of nonverbal feedback settings

Continue scrolling. Turn on your breakout room settings.

Screenshot of breakout rooms settings

A few minutes attention working behind the scenes before a meeting creates the options for interacting with each other in large or small groups, annotating documents together, sharing our screens, and providing feedback to each other nonverbally.  Happy meeting!

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